Never Underestimate the Power of Humor, Satire, or the Hint of Juicy Gossip!

You don’t have to beat your competition … just invalidate them

Your top marketing and social media challenges are …

  • Attracting people to your sites
  • Converting leads into customers
  • Regularly keeping in touch with those customers
  • Staying ahead of your competition

What Can a Former Comedian Do For Your Copywriting and Creative Marketing Content?

Emotional Urgency Marketing 

Your emails, landing pages, sales pages, even your social media posts tell a series of stories about you, your company, your products or services, and what differentiates you from your competition.

“No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.” – P.T. Barnum

Multiple studies show that smiling and laughing make us feel good. But why would you want your clients or customers to feel good when reading your copy? (I know – it seems like a dumb question, but few people realize the real power of humor, rumor, or gossip).

Humorous stories activate parts of the brain associated with happiness and fulfillment. Stories also create long-term memories and increase emotional urgency responses. (Harvard, 2010, and Cognitive Science of Humor, 2014).

“Don’t Tell People What to Think … Tell ThemWhat to Feel” – M.L. Rix

You do this by making your social media and marketing materials emotional, educational, and entertaining.

STOP chasing clients … START Developing Disciples


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Social Marketing Raconteur

Blog Content Creation

Competitive Media “HITMAN”



Social Media

Profesional Keynote Speaker

Content Marketing Concept Consultant

Emotional Urgency Copywriting



Outdoor Recreational Products

B2B / B2C / Direct Marketing

Automotive / Recreational Vehicle Industry

Science / High Tech / Competitive R&D



Matt L. Rixx



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